Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Finger Of Blame In MacBeth Essays - Characters In Macbeth

The Finger of Blame in MacBeth Macbeth is a very exciting story containing all kinds of plots and murders. The characters that are killing and are planning murders are all very deceiving and treacherous. Two of the most dangerous criminals in this play are Lady Macbeth and her husband. Together they commit the most dreadful murder by killing the King; Duncan. This is why it is difficult to determine which one of these two is more guilty, because they each do their own part in committing the crime. Lady Macbeth would prepare the plan and then encourage Macbeth to go through with it. Macbeth did the actual murdering, he was also the first person who thought about killing Duncan. Furthermore he did some killing on his own. Lady Macbeth did not have any involvement in these cases. Based on these facts, Macbeth would be found more guilty than Lady Macbeth. The very first murder in this story was committed on Duncan. This crime was planned by both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The actual murder was done by Macbeth, making h im more guilty of the crime. Lady Macbeth just talked about committing the crime, but she never actually went through with it nor would she ever, and that is all that counts. Talking about committing the incident is very different from actually doing it. Lady Macbeth did a little more than just talk about it though. She also urged Macbeth into doing it and that is what makes her part of this crime, but she is not as guilty as Macbeth. He really didn't have to listen to what his wife said. Macbeth had a mind of his own and he could make his own decision. The other murders that Macbeth was involved in were not committed by him, but were ordered by him. The people who did the killing had no choice, they had to do it, because they worked for Macbeth. Macbeth knew this and was a bit more guilty in these murders then lady Macbeth was when she urged him. The idea of killing Duncan first came from Macbeth. Macbeth listened to the witches prophecies that said he would become King. Macbeth di d not want to wait any longer and he thought the only way to become King was to kill the present King; Duncan. Macbeth later told Lady Macbeth about this and she just wanted to help him and do whatever she could for him, so that he would be happy and be King. She was also excited about becoming a Queen so she pushed Macbeth forward and did not let him back down from doing what he said he'd do. Macbeth had a good chance of becoming King if Duncan was out of the picture, so Lady Macbeth helped stage a plan so that Macbeth could kill him without being caught. Lady Macbeth wanted to do this for herself as well but she was mostly doing this for Macbeth because she loved him so much. Macbeth is a regular murderer throughout the play and is involved in a lot more murders then Lady Macbeth is. She was only involved in the murder of the King while Macbeth was killing people throughout the whole story. He killed lots of men fighting for the King, and later on he killed the King. After killing the King he ordered some of his men to murder Banquo and Fleance, Fleance got away though. Later on through the story when Macduff went to join Malcolm, Macbeth had Macduff's family killed. Macbeth was a man that murdered far more people then his wife did. So he was a more guilty person then she was. Through the story Macbeth got obsessed with killing others and he wanted to kill more, while Lady Macbeth became so self conscience that she went crazy and killed herself. Throughout the course of the story it is tough to decide who is a more guilty person, but if you look at it through the eye's of today's law you will see that Macbeth is more guilty of murder. This is because he had killed a lot people before he killed the King, and when he did kill the King by

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comparison Of Qualitative And Quantitative Research Approaches Coursework

Comparison Of Qualitative And Quantitative Research Approaches Coursework Comparison Of Qualitative And Quantitative Research Approaches – Coursework Example Running Head: Comparison between qualitative and quantitative research methods Comparison between qualitative and quantitative research methods InstitutionDateComparison between qualitative and quantitative research methodsQualitative research methods are more of interactive methods and seek to expound more on motivating factors, reasons on which various occurrences are based, opinions of the involved parties (Creswell, 2008). When used in problem solving, qualitative methods provide hypothesis and assumptions on which further quantitative research can be based on. The out come of this type of these methods help in establishing trends in thoughts, and opinions and commons of motivating factors the get deeper insight into the problem at hand (Noa, 2010). Qualitatively data is collected using either structured are partial structure techniques such as organized group discussions, individual and/or group interviews, participatory observation. Usually the size of the group involved is sma ll in size. During the process, participants are required to respond to general questions. The researcher probes and explores their responses to identify and define the perceptions, opinions and feelings to come up with the extent of agreement (Noa, 2010).Quantitative research method seek to identify and solve the research issues and problems by coming up with quantitative data. Measurement methods are used in generating the data. The measurement tools are perfectly structured, such as questionnaires (Creswell, 2008). They must be objective, quantitative and provide statistically valid results. There is quantification of behaviors, attitudes and opinions. The data must therefore be expressed in terms of measurable terms so as to assist in establishing quantitative trend. The size of the research group is usually determined by use of already established mathematical formula (Noa, 2010). In summary, therefore, the main differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods are:Qualitative methods are subjective while quantitative methods are objectiveQualitative methods express findings in descriptive form while quantitative methods use statistical data to express findings.ReferencesCreswell, John W, (2008). Research Designs Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches SAGE Publishers.Punch, Keith F, (2005). Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative ApproachesNoa.A, (2010). Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How would you use the knowledge of incentives to manage a business Essay

How would you use the knowledge of incentives to manage a business - Essay Example To be effective for business, incentives should clearly link performance to pay and should directly link performance to specific standards and objectives. If a teams objective is customer satisfaction, that should be the measure of performance, rather than volume or duration of service calls, which may bear little relation to whether the customers needs were actually met (Laffont and Marthmort 45). Incentives (rewards and punishments) should relate directly to the nature of performance required at each level of the organization. For example, in order to develop a true team perspective among top executives, the bonus plan for each member of the senior team is based largely on the entire companys success in meeting certain specific financial goals, such as stock price (Campbell 61). In other situations -fund managers in an investment firm, for example -- its more appropriate to base rewards on each persons individual performance. Incentive plans should match measurement periods for rew ards to relevant performance periods; some goals can be assessed after three months, while it might not be practical to evaluate others in less than a year. Some incentive programs recognize that fact by containing both short- and long-term goals. Because performance Incentives can provide bonuses equaling up to 13 percent of a workers base pay, teams are sharply attuned not only to the performance of their own members but to other teams as well. Between each shift there is a brief "hand-off" meeting between the team thats leaving and the one thats coming on (Laffont and Marthmort 51). Some organizations may want to grant direct incentives for worker avoidance of nonwork, anti-work, and semi-work. Tying incentives directly to usage of time is not reward for performance. But in certain cases, particularly where effort distribution issues are involved,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Polygamy in Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Polygamy in Egypt - Essay Example ", n. p.). This term is sometimes confusing as when the interpretation of bigamy term is done, you are not permitted to have two separate and different marriages at one time but in polygamy you can both get married to two people at the same time and have two spouses living under a single roof ("What is Polygamy?", n. p.). The antagonists of gay freedom and rights say that when same sex marriages are legitimized, this would lead to making polygamy legal. It might do that, and may be it should do it. What is the issue with polygamy then? Why is it considered illegal? The Mormons didn’t get the legal right within the state to marry multiple people. The answer to this question is short and precise but not an approving one. Polygamy is considered unprotected and illegal by Constitution as Supreme Court does not approve of it. Over a period of hundred years, in Reynolds V. U.S. the Court said that polygamy was â€Å"offence not in favor of society†. This Reynolds decision sai d that criminal certainty of any man accused of having a second wife in the faith that he has to abide by religion to do that. It is a regulation he would defy at the danger of the damnation. The Court evaluated polygamy to killings sanctified b one’s religious faith, as in the burning of wives on the funeral of their husbands or any human sacrifice (Kaminer, n. p.). In the Victorian America, the comparison between Men and women indulging in polygamy made little or no sense. Most people would either go for demise by burning rather than polygamous matrimonies. In today’s world, the Court passes the same precedence in this regard. This analogy is however as outdated as adultery ban itself. After passing this judgment, what then is the difference between a polygamist and an adulterer? Even if it is not illegal for a wedded man to have interred marital affairs with girlfriends and have illegitimate children, then how should it be illegal to have another married wife under the laws of the church? What is the practice and moral disparity between a man who has many families without endorsement of the church and a man who has many families with the consent of the church? (Aziz, n. p.). Recent data by NCSCR (National Centre for Sociological and Criminological Research) showed that in the first three years of marriage, about twenty five percent of all Egyptian men marries again and about seventy percent of these 2nd marriages suffer from divorce then. Today, in Egypt polygamy is allowed for Muslim husbands only. But, polygamy has its roots in the ancient Egypt. In the ancient Egypt, people were allowed to marry two women at the same time. At one time, two or three nuptials ceremony would take place. There have been various debates as to eliminating the polygamy in Egypt. In the ancient Egypt, even though polygamy was legal for all citizens of the society the Kings or the affluent were able to practice it the most (FENSKE, n. p.). In the ancient Egypt, poly gamy was practiced to secure more area in the African continent. The pharaohs were great practitioners of polygamy and made it lawful to apply polygamy for all men of Egypt. Polygamy assisted to build up alliances and expand

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Native American Vision Quest Essay Example for Free

Native American Vision Quest Essay Vision Quest: A vision quest is a rite of passage in Native American cultures and more specifically the Oji-Cree. It was undertaken by a person when they reached puberty. The vision quest comprised of going to the wild for about ten days to fast. This took place either at the top of a hill or if need be a platform built in a tree. During the vision it is expected that at least one or more spirits would take pity on the individual and become his or her protector in the ordeal as well as a source of spiritual power for life. The carrying out of the vision quest was normally for males only in some Native American cultures; however for the Oji-Cree both males and females participated in this quest. During the vision fast power could be obtained and subsequently enhanced by fasting. During the course of the vision quest an individual would also receive his or her secret name from their spirit protector. The vision quest constituted for half of the spiritual rituals the Oji-Cree would undertake the other half being the shaking tent ceremony. The historical significance of this ritual was it was undertaken by individuals to provide power for themselves. Power was important as the Oji-Cree believed that power was inherent in every living thing and object, thus making it a important part of their way of life. Torah: The torah or also known as the law are the first five books of the Bible. It contains the essence of Judaism as well as ethical teachings and basic guidance. The Torah also contains the Ten Commandments which were given to the Hebrews by the Prophet Moses. The books that make up the Torah are Genesis (creation), Exodus (departure), Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Although sometimes it may contain The Prophets and usually the Psalms and other writings however some Hebrew scholars omit the Psalms and other writings. In the Christian faith the Torah is known as the Old Testament. The Torah provides modern day Jews with a explanation of what occurred in the time of the biblical Hebrews, events such as the conquest of Canaan and the exploration into the promised land are written in the Torah. The Torah is an integral part of the Jewish faith and is a corner stone in the teaching and spreading of the Jewish faith. Complimentary religious texts include the Mishnah and Talmud. In addition to providing the Jewish faith with guidelines and commandments the Torah also allowed for the academic interpretation of Hebrew teachings. These studies and interpretations were carried out by men called Rabbis which means teacher or my master. The Torah had increased significance during the Greek occupation of Judah as it became the foundation for the law of Judah in an attempt to preserve Jewish religion. The Torah also saw translation by the hands of the Greeks later on as the Greeks were fascinated by Judaism. This translation was named the Septuagint (in Greek it was Septuaginta) which meant seventy, seventy being the number of translators needed. Qur’an: The Qur’an is the central religious text of the Muslim faith. Islamic adherents believe that the Qur’an is the verbatim word of God. It`s origins start when the Prophet of the Muslim faith Mohammed was approached by the angel Gabriel during the month of Ramadan on Mount Hira. This was a repeat experience as it happened in later points in his life. In light of the fact that he was illiterate, he recited the teachings he had heard from Gabriel and by extension God to his followers who wrote them down. Similar to the Torah and the Bible the Qur’an was a written copy of oral tradition. However while the Torah and the Bible had multiple authors, Mohammed was the sole individual who dictated the Qur’an. In Arabic the word Qur’an means reading or recitation and it is generally believed that the Qur’an was to be the final message of God to humanity, making Mohammed merely the vessel from which this was sent. The Qur’an is tremendously significant to Muslims as in their eyes it is more than just a Holy Book, they see it as divine thought in written form consisting of the very mind and essence of God being communicated through Mohammed to humanity. It is a similar concept to the Christian concept of Logos, which is the Word of God being incarnate in Jesus Christ. The Muslim equivalent of Logos would be the Qur’an. Like the Christian`s Bible and the Hebrews Torah the Qur’an provides the framework of the Muslim faith as well is integral to the carrying out of the religions tenants. The Qur’an has influenced many events across history and can be considered the finest piece of literature in the Arabic Language. Sunni: Sunni is one of the sects of Islam, the other being Shi’a . Sunni is also the majority sect in Islam. The origins of the Sunni sect are intertwined with the Shi’as’ in an event known as the Shi’sm. The origins of Shi’sm derive from the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed named Ali. Most historians believed that Ali was the first male to embrace the Prophet’s message of Islam. His adherents also believed that he was he rightful successor of the Prophet and that he had been chosen by the prophet as the political and spiritual leader of Islam. The Sunnis were the faction who did not believe that the Prophet had selected Ali to succeed him. This clash of beliefs caused a schism with Islam and saw the creation of Sunnis and Shi’ites. While this schism was centuries ago it has significant implications in the modern day setting especially in the Middle east. In Iraq a part of the current warfare which is occurring is between the two groups. While Sunnis are a majority in most of the Muslim world, Iraq is predominantly Shi’a. The President of Iraq Saddam Hussein belonged to the Sunni faction and represented the minority rule over the majority in the country. While the Sunni faction differs from the Shi’a on terms of succession and other doctrine both groups agree that Allah is one and Mohammed is his last prophet. Regarding Islam, Sunni is often referred as the orthodox version of the religion. Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita is a 700 hundred verse Hindu scripture. It is a veda or a old sacred book of Hinduism. The Bhagavad Gita is an epic poem describing classical Hinduism and was composed approximately near the end of the pre-classical age and beginning of the classical age of Hinduism. Its writing form is as a narrative of a great battle and is a section of a larger work known as Mahabharata, which was created much earlier in time. The premise of the Bhagavad Gita is :Prior to the battle a great warrior, Ajuna hesitates to fight. His charioteer, Krishna teaches him that it is his purpose and destiny to fight. Ajuna’s charioteer turns out to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu or in Hindu culture an avatar. The Bhagavad Gita is a compilation of centuries of developing worship, mediation and thought. The text consists of developed concepts of classical Hinduism touching on several points such as the gods Vishnu and Shiva and the concepts of karma, dharma, reincarnation and cases. The dimensions of the Bhagavad Gita are 18 chapters and 700 verses found in the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita was spiritually important as it served as a source of spiritual knowledge as well as serves to reveal the purpose and goal of human existence. Master K’ung: Master K’ung or more commonly known as Confucius is one of the most important Chinese philosophers. He is traditionally hailed as the father of philosophical school of Confucianism. In addition to his capacity as a philosopher Master K’ung was also traditionally known as a was a thinker, political figure and educator. Master k’ung was said to have lived from 551-479 B.  C, his teachings were transferred orally by his students, emphasizing a way of life called ren. Ren was defined as right living and was achieved through li or ethical propriety, good manners and traditional ritualistic practices. According to his teachings family was seen as the central vehicle to cultivate these attributes. Master K’ung’s thoughts became available in a book known as the Analects. Master K’ung’s journey consisted of him leaving his life behind and wandering with a band of disciples until he found internal peace. While claims are unlikely, Master K’ung is attributed with works known as the Five Classics. These classics consist of the Shu Ching or Classic of History (writings and speeches from ancient Chinese rulers), the Shih Ching or Classic of Poetry (300 poems and songs), the I Ching or Classic of Changes (the description of a divinatory system), the Chun Chiu or Spring and Autumn Annal (a history of the state of Lu from 722 to 484 BC) and the Li Ching or Classic of Rites (a group of three books on the Li the rites of propriety. In addition there was also a now lost sixth book called the Yueh Ching or Classic of Music. Maste K’ung had a tremendous legacy which effected the world, as millions around the world would apply his wisdom and thoughts even in this day and age.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fundamentals of Information Technology

Fundamentals of Information Technology Human Computer Interface (HCI) Kurosu (2011) defines usability as the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. Usability is dependent on the context of use and that the level of usability achieved will depend on the specific circumstances in which a product is used. The context of use consists of the users, tasks, equipment, and the physical and organizational environments which may all influence the usability of a product Microsoft Visio and Word Interfaces look almost identical with its white shaded ribbons of tools. What are so vastly different between the two applications is their uses. Microsoft Word is a word processing application used for professional looking documentation while Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application.ÂÂ   An enhancement in terms of usability with Microsoft Word would be its spelling and grammar tool found on the review ribbon. An integrated Speech to text within Word could add to its HCI.ÂÂ   This type of feature could make Swagger Distributions document creation seamlessly faster by adding speech dictation. Databases The Clothing Manufacturers Table houses the manufacturers name, street address, city, state and zip. The Clothing Products table holds the clothing item, color, manufacturers name, wholesale price and retail price The Retail Stares table stores the information for store name, street address, and city, state, zip and clothing item. The Clothing Products table bears currency fields while the Clothing Manufacturers and Rectal Store table has number fields, When opening the Clothing Products table, I could see both the wholesale and retail prices were incorrectly formatted. When changing the retail price from text to currency the prices became correctly formatted. Custom formatting only changed how the data is displayed and does not affect how the data is stored in a Microsoft Access database, or how users can enter or edit data (Microsoft Blog, n.d.). The query creates a list of clothing items in retail stores. It shows the retail store name and state and the clothing item, manufacturer name and retail price. The report is sorted alphabetically by retail store name. There is no secondary sort, because of this, the list of clothing items in each retail store will come out in a random, unpredictable and inconsistent order (Microsoft Blog, n.d.). The Retail Stores table links to the Clothing Products table based on the clothing item. The Clothing Products table links to the Clothing Manufacturers table based on the Manufacturer Name. Visio There are many kinds of Visio diagrams, including flow charts, networking diagrams, and home or office plans. However, you use the same three basic steps to create most of them: Opening a template. Dragging and connect shapes. Adding text to shapes. The Connector Tool in Visio 2013 found in the tools section of the Home Ribbon is used to Auto Connect shapes and stencils. On the insert ribbon of Visio you can insert objects such as pictures on to the canvas. You can begin this process by clicking insert on the Insert ribbon and clicking the option youd like in the illustrations section.. Within the Visio Design Ribbon a user can select their page layout between Portrait and Landscape, whichever works best for that users display. To select an orientation, click on the Orientation option in the Page Setup section of the Design Ribbon. Users can Save their stencils and diagrams by clicking the save option on the Title Bar. A user can consult the Help option on the Visio Title Bar to search the database for help using the application. Visio Help Database Networking Computer Rooms typically provided by libraries to the public, academic institutions to retain access to the Computers (Tomsho, Tittel, Johnson, 2015, p. 315). Swaggered Distributions consists of three segments towards network offices, computer room, and warehouse. The wide area network fits into the computer room private network with the means of the T1 demarcation router. The demarcation router switches over toward the public wide area network where swagger distributions private network resides. The system has a main router whose main is to apply Dynamic Host Control Protocol and routes IP addresses to all connected devices in the network segment. The DHCP server then allocates IP address to the firewall. The firewall based on the security policies allows certain packets of information in and out of the network. Within the computer room, there is a server which acts as a dedicated place for storing files applications where other network based computers which are permitted to log i nto and retrieve specific information. There is also an Ethernet switch whose main duty is to direct packets of information towards the correct connected device in the network and allocate the priority for each data packet sent and received throughout the network. The Ethernet switch acts as the type of hub that extends the network in the direction of the warehouse where it connects by using fiber optic cable to link the two network segments. The fiber optic cable transmits data. The computer room then has another panel that functions as a hub to the segment of the computer room along with the office PCs. The warehouse and the office consist of one remote Ethernet switch. The office, where the PC are connected via category 5 twisted-pair networking cabling runs through the wall into a face plate and directly to the PC allowing that PC to connect to the central servers. Diagram for WLAN Programming: import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import*; /* Name of the class has to be Main only if the class is public. */ public class HelloWorld { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception { int day; int month; int year; GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); day = date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); month = date.get(Calendar.MONTH); year = date.get(Calendar.YEAR); System.out.println(Welcome to Swagger Distribution!); System.out.println(Welcome, Todays date is +(month+1)+/+day+/+year); } } Code Compiled Successfully The main changes to the original code have been bolded and can be summarized as follows.ÂÂ   SYSTEM.OUT.PRINTL is a built in class in the Java language in which Downing (1999), states the OUT aspect functions to print various data values specified While the PRINTLN() aspect prints data values within a a public method (p.144). The SEMICOLONis a Java compiler expression that communicates within the compiler a statement is complete. The Calendar Code is a built in Java class returns a general object of its type whose calendar fields have been initialized with the current date and time (Downing Downing, 1999, p. 217). Web Technologies According to W3CS standards a website built solely with HTML 5 may have cross compatibility issues across multiple web browsers. HTML5s is not always supported on all browsers, so it is one of the major drawbacks of HTML5. (Dahl, 2017) Core Web Functionalities: Navigation: The ease of access and functionality of a user navigational experience improves the initial website assessment of said user which if positive will cause the user to become a repeat customer. Search:ÂÂ   A search function could prove to be beneficial to a user in the case of Big Data.ÂÂ   The website has too large data set volumes for traditional data processing applications to handle. Readability:ÂÂ   All part of ease of access; readability is just as pivotal. A user should have a seamless time reading the content presented in all aspects. Site Map: A secondary to navigation provided to the user when said user has trouble finding specific information. Accessibility: Following the W3 standards it is important to have accessibility features so that the disabled users can also access and utilize a website successfully with features such as page magnifying, text to speech and on board keyboard. Plug-in: Plug-ins such as social media accounts and other traffic building tools add functionality to a webpage. Subscribe: Subscribing to the companys mailing list to receive the latest on the company happenings and offers to persuade user purchasing of participation. Validation: Ensuring that all vital information required for successful submission on a form is present Conditions and Privacy: It is imperative to cover the legal aspects of using a Companys services and how they may us your entered data. Speed: The speed in which a website loads relies on whether its content and media is optimized appropriately. Amazon, one of the largest online retail stores utilizing the Search Box function. Same retailer, Amazon utilizing structured navigation with the added user ability of headings and sub-headings. Information Security Vacca (2014) defines Information as data that we can organize and process and store distributive or centrally. Any company large or small, data is the most valuable asset and must be securely protected. In terms of the Customers, a data breach could result in the loss of financial information in the form of credit card information and other crucial details. Consumers may lose faith and credibility in the Company for data lose which in turn could cause the total demise of the Company. It is imperative Swagger Distributions has a well conceived plan ofÂÂ   attack and also a preventive plan as well. This past year, half of organizations suffered multiple levels of security incidents. It is recommended that a centralized security team be hired. This team will be responsible for coordinating and executing the security plans. In keeping with a Central Security Team concept there should be a dedicated Security Monitoring team keeping real time track of Applications that has access to Swagger Distributions Data. Statically, hackers attack through the least secure Applications (Vacca, 2014, p. 3); making it easier to corrupt and steal sensitive information. This Monitoring team will report directly to the head of the Central Security Team. One of the largest data break-ins in history (Consumers International, 2015, p. 417); Sony Play Station Network was hacked April 2011. Consumers International (2015) reported the attack is speculated to be an external intrusion that caused the reveal of reported 77 million user accounts information. This information included names, birthdays, email addresses, passwords, security questions, and credit card credentials, of all Play Station Network users. The hack was reportedly caused by an unknown weakness (Consumers International, 2015, p. 418). In Sonys Network causing Sony to temporarily shut down their Network to investigate. References Consumers International (2015). Consumers in the Information Society: Access, Fairness and Representation. Consumers International. Dahl, D. (2017). Multimodal Interaction with W3C Standards. Springer. Downing, D. A., Downing, D. (1999). Computer programming in java, the easy way. New York, NY, United States: Barrons Educational Series Inc.,U.S. Microsoft (2017a). Microsoft A Beginners Guide to Visio. . Retrieved from : Microsoft. (2017b). Support. Retrieved from Microsoft Blog, Tomsho, G., Tittel, E., Johnson, D. (2015). Guide to networking essentials (7th ed.). United States: Thomson/Course Technology. Vacca, J. R. (2014). Computer and information security handbook (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is an imprint of Elsevier.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Individuals theories

Most had no goals to rehabilitate the fender nor help them on any matter. Over time the ideals of how a prison should be like evolved. Before the nineteenth century there were no real prisons (Foster, 2006, Chapter 1). There is no clear time of when the first prison came into existences (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). There were merely just small rooms; and they were used to punish criminals whom committed serious crimes, there was no correctional purpose (Foster, 2006, Chapter 1).In the sass many of the jails at that time had no interest or level of classification (Foster, 2006, Chapter 1). There were different models being used in the earlier days and have changed over time. The Auburn model during the 19th century model was based on having offenders work in groups completing community activities, then at night placed in solitary confinement and strict rules were set in to play (â€Å"Auburn System†, 2014). This system was seen as a way to teach respect and working with oth ers and also having personal discipline (â€Å"Auburn System†, 2014).Silence was a big factor and was enforced to the Max; it was seen as a way to take away ones sense of self (â€Å"Auburn System†, 2014). This is similar to the hierarchical model; which goal is to ensure physical control (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). The Auburn prison was merely an experiment to determine and displayed the effects of what solitary confinement can really do to an individual (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). Back in 1790 the Walnut Street Jail was transformed to a penitentiary in Philadelphia (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13).The purpose behind this transaction was for offenders to penance and come to amends ND take control over their actions and wrongdoing in society (Assemblages, 201 1, Chapter 13). Rehabilitation and deterrence was seen as the foundation this is still seen today (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). Bible study was a key element surrounding penance and seeking rehabilita tion, and just as Auburn System enforced silence so did the Quakers (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13).Minimally contact between staff and inmates was also a key factor (Assemblages, 201 1, Chapter 1 3). The penitentiary that was opened in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania back in 1826 correlates back to the Philadelphia model (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13). The Pittsburgh model was highly favored and seen as the ideal prison because it was humane and provided the correct amount of discipline towards punishment yet having the opportunity for offenders to focus on rehabilitating (Assemblages, 201 1 , Chapter 13).The prison era that began between 1825 through 1876 all connect back to the Pennsylvania model; Vermont, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, and many more can be seen as The Pittsburgh Pennsylvania model and Philadelphia model are seen to be the winning models of how an ideal penitentiary, the two American systems, interestingly, most concluded that the Pennsylvania system was more cond ucive to reformation than the Auburn system (Assemblages, 201 1, Chapter 13).This was seen as the ideal petitioners all the way up until the Reformatory era was created by Captain Alexander Macroeconomic and Sir Walter Croà »ton (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). The reformatory style consisted of the use of indeterminate sentencing with also the belief of obliteration, yet this style did not last long do to the industrial prisons that came into play (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). Each model had its drawback the Auburn system resulted in inmate's committing suicide or either dying to the lack of not being able to work out (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13).There was clear tension between the Auburn and Pennsylvania systems even during the reformatory System (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13). Prisons have truly evolve Dover time The community based Era in my opinion has be the most effected and would be what I considered as an ideal prison. Community corrections revolve around rehabilit ation and having a clear understanding that inmates need contact with community, and provide work release programs and halfway houses (Assemblages, 2011, Chapter 13. These are all and provide guidance and opportunity for inmates can have community involvement and give the opportunity to amend their wrongdoing and get on the right track (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13). Overall this prison has truly changed over time the different models and system have evolved overtime to it the needs of society's best interest (Assemblages, 2011 , Chapter 13. References Foster, B. (2006). Corrections: The Fundamentals,.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Correlation between Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Demographic Variables

An Analysis of the Correlation between Employees' Job Satisfaction and Demographic Variables Over the last decades, Job satisfaction has been identified as the major research traditions in organizational psychology. Job satisfaction can significantly influence the company as Job satisfaction can positively affect employee commitment and working performance, which will determine the overall success and development of the company (Feinting, 2000).Empirical research has shown that there are certain variables which may play an important role in mediating Job satisfaction in the oracle. The factors affecting employee Job satisfaction include the personal traits of individuals, Job scope, and organization characteristics. (Gilson and Derrick, 1998). The study of the relationship between length of service and Job satisfaction variables remains among the most promising of these studies (Kirk, 2003). Other demographic variables to consider include age, gender and nationality.Several studies ( e. G. , Betel and Brenner, 1986; Creighton, 1977; Wilting, Arnold, and Conrad, 1978; Gomez-Mejia, 1983; Griffin and Bateman, 1986) indicated that these demographic rabbles (gender, age, education, length of service and nationality) affect work values, which are related to Job satisfaction and commitment to a certain extent. There are also studies that tackled the issue from another perspective, which reported that there is a correlation between Job satisfaction and performance (Herbert, Amasser, Peterson & Capable, 1957).According to Bedpan, Ferris and Kumar (1992), age and Job satisfaction are positively related because an older employee will be able to hold a higher position and obtain a higher salary since they are more experienced, thus aging them more satisfied than younger employee. Besides age, the correlation between gender differences and Job satisfaction have also been widely studied. Witt and Nee (1992) suggested that there is no correlation between the gender differences and the Job satisfaction.In addition, Kirk (2003) has also proposed that there will be significant relationship between the length of service and Job satisfaction, but there is no conclusive evidence that a longer length of service means a higher Job satisfaction. The present study aimed to investigate the degree to which employees' anemographic variables are related to their level of Job satisfaction at work. Based on the literature review, it was hypothesized that age is positively related to Job satisfaction among the employees.Similarly, it was also hypothesized that the length of service is also positively correlated with Job satisfaction. From the research examined, it was anticipated that gender difference and nationality does not have any correlation with Job satisfaction. Methods Participants A total number of 30 employees, who are currently working in the marketing apartment of an international company called Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, took part in the s urvey conducted for the purpose of the research.Out of these 30 participants, 50% of them were men with the remaining 50% were female. The sample has an age range from 18 to 48 years old with a mean age of 29. 63 (SD = 9. 13). In term of nationality, there were 15 Australians, 5 Singapore, 5 New Zealand, 2 Irish, 1 South African, 1 German and 1 English. All participants completed the questionnaire voluntarily with no remuneration. Materials The questionnaire consisted of two parts: The Job Satisfactory Survey and a Demographic Data Sheet.The 3-item Job Satisfactory Survey was constructed to measure the overall Job satisfaction of the participants. It was designed to assess their level of Job satisfaction towards three areas: their Job, scope of work and working in the current organization. The participants were asked to rate their overall level of Job satisfaction based on the three questions on a 7-point Liker scale from 1 (Extremely Dissatisfied) to 7 (Extremely Satisfied). Theref ore, the total scores for the three questions could theoretically range from a minimum score of 3 to a maximum score of 21 .A Demographic Data Sheet was also included in the questionnaire to obtain basic profile information such as gender, age, nationality and length of service from the participants. Procedure All the 30 participants were instructed to gather outside an enclosed meeting room on a Friday evening where they were provided with a set of questionnaire. Each participant was given a maximum time of 15 minutes to complete the survey in the eating room and only one participant was allowed to enter at a time so as to ensure that there would be no distraction.At the end of the session, the questionnaires were collected and placed in a sealed envelope to ensure that all information provided were kept confidential. None of the questionnaires were left uncompleted, thus ensuring the validity of all data collected. The data was being computed and analyzed using the Statistical Pac kage for Social Scientists (SPAS, standard version 19, 2011). Results The results of the analysis of the correlation between the employees' overall Job distraction and demographic variables (length of service, age, gender, nationality) are presented in Table 1.The internal consistency of the 3-item Job Satisfactory Survey was an excellent reliability of 0. 87 in Cockroach's alpha test.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free sample - Poem Characters. translation missing

Poem Characters. Poem CharactersThe speaker of the poem is Edna St. Vincent Millay who was born in February 22, 1892 and died in October 19, 1950. Edna St. Vincent Millay was an American lyrical poet, feminist and playwright (p .1). She was the earliest female to obtain the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, in addition to was acknowledged for her activism as well as her numerous love interaction. Edna St. Vincent Millay used the false name Nancy Boyd for her writing style occupation. The speaker of the poem is saying that love is not necessary basic thing neither sex only affair where man goes in and out of a woman. The main idea of the poem or the theme of the poem is love. The specific examples of poetic techniques used are rhyme scheme, alliteration, imagery, simile, metaphor, symbol, personification, allusion, The protagonist of a literary work always suffers in a particular problem or dilemma because his or her world view or value system in that there may be more than one antagonist in a story, and they are ever a villain. Sometimes, a work will offer a particular character as the protagonist, only to dispose of that character unexpectedly. Sometimes protagonist is impossible to identify because multiple plots in the novel do not permit clear identification of one as the main plot. These fictions of literary elements read in class this semester are of primary interest in the works as for instance:   Plot, or storyline, is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. It is the rendering and ordering of the events and actions of a story. On a micro level, plot consists of action and reaction, also referred to as stimulus and response. On a macro level, plot has a beginning, middle, and an ending. Plot is often depicted as an arc with a zig-zag line to represent the rise and fall of action. Plot also has a mid-level structure: scene and sequel. A scene is a unit of drama- where the action occurs. Then, after a transition of some sort of the sequel- an emotional reaction and regrouping, an aftermath. Types of plots: Chronological order Types of plotsIs where all of the proceedings happen in the order in which they happened in writing. There might be orientation to proceedings as of the past or future; on the other hand the actions are in black and white in time order. in attendance will not be flashbacks as well flash forwards.Flashback In times of the past in television, film as well as extra media, a flashback is also called analepsis, is an interrupted scene that acquire the description flipside in time from the up to date summit the story has get to. Flashbacks are frequently used to narrate proceedings with the intention of happened previous to the story's main series of measures or to fill in critical back-story. Character origin flashbacks specifically refers to flashbacks trading with key actions in the early hours in a character's progress casing he could fly, The method is used to generate anticipation in a narrative, otherwise build up a temperament. In writing, inner analysis is a flashback to a previous summit in the tale; outside analysis is a flashback to previous to the storyline in progress. Setting, the location and time of a story, is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. Sometimes setting is referred to as milieu, to include a context (such as society) beyond the immediate surroundings of the story. In some cases, setting becomes a character itself and can set the tone of a story. Characterization is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. A character is a participant in the story, and is usually a person, but may be any personal identity, or entity whose existence originates from a fictional work or performance. (Millay 1917, p. 2) Characters may be of several types: Character of Point-of-view is the character as of whose point of view (theme) the viewers understand the story. This is the character that represents the point of view the audience will empathize or at the very slightest, sympathize with. Consequently this is the "Main" Character. Character of Protagonist is the driver of the accomplishment of the story in addition to therefore accountable for accomplishing the stories of Objective Story Goal Character of Antagonist is the character that position in antagonism to the leading role. Character of Static is a character that does not appreciably revolutionize all through the track of a story. Dynamic character is a character that undergoes character development all through the itinerary of a story. Character of Foil contrasts to the protagonist in a manner in which to light up their behavior or quality Supporting character: A character that stage a division in the plot, however is not most important Minor character: A character in a small piece.    Methods of developing characters Appearance   gives details otherwise illustrate the typescript superficial manifestation for the person who reads to be intelligent to recognize them Dialogue is what they articulate as well as how they say it Action is what the character perform in addition to how he/she does it Reaction of others: how other characters see and treat him/her    Millay, E. S. (2010). Poems. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group,.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on School Vouchers

School Vouchers â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.† John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Throughout the thousands of political speeches given during our country’s history, there might not be a better anthem for political participation on an individual level. After letting JFK’s famous phrase sink in it is obvious that he wanted the American people to take charge of their political and social futures. Kennedy realized the importance of pro-activity on a personal or community basis, and the results that would come to the citizens of this country who partook in their own evolvement. This ability that all Americans possess is not always utilized. Many people would rather sit back and complain about the condition of their environment, their communities, and their lives. Citizens of this country constantly denigrate our elected officials, but do they get out and vote on Election Day? Are they active in their communities? What are they doing to h elp themselves and what changes could these potential efforts produce? The answers to these questions seem to lie along the same lines for most Americans- nothing. Not even 50% of Americans vote in the presidential election. This signifies a severe lack of patriotism and civic duty on the part of the American people. Most people argue that they cannot make a significant difference by simply voting and becoming active in their respective communities. They believe that nothing important or consequential happens at the local and state levels of government. But what these people do not understand is that the majority of the decisions that will most closely affect their lives are made at these intermediary levels. Does the President of the United States have the fortitude or the even the time to be concerned with a community such as Adrian, Michigan? Obviously, the answer is no. Its local politicians and state representatives handle this community and its acc... Free Essays on School Vouchers Free Essays on School Vouchers Proposals to use private school vouchers, a marketplace strategy, as a mechanism by which to improve the general quality of public education have produced a lively debate. Frequently, that debate has degenerated into a disagreement about whether public schools are as good as private schools or whether a given private school is better than a certain neighborhood public school. Other issues raised in these discussions include the appropriate use of public funds, the role of competition in improving public education, and the right of parents to choose a school for their children. Although these issues are of interest, they are not the fundamental questions which must be raised about the future of public schools in a democracy. Two Core Issues In their rush to the marketplace, the proponents of private school choice supported by public funds have chosen to ignore two core issues. First, the advocates of private school choice studiously avoid any discussion of the relationship between public schools and the common or public good in a democracy. As an example, the Governor of Wisconsin asserts that "any school that serves the public is a public school" and should therefore receive public funds through a voucher system. There is no recognition in this proposal of the distinct and unique purpose of public education in serving the public good. This rhetorical sleight-of-hand does not mean that a private school of choice becomes a public school in purpose simply by so defining it. The claim is merely a device to divert public funds for private purposes. The failure to recognize that public schools have a central responsibility in a democratic society is further evidenced by the work of John Chubb and Terry Moe, who argue that improving the efficiency and quality of public education will require the replacement of democratic governance by market mechanisms. The authors state, "The most basic cause of ineffective performance among the natio... Free Essays on School Vouchers Any country that aspires to be great must constantly reevaluate the preparedness of its youth for the challenges of the future. Today’s youth cannot hope to be tomorrow’s leaders, if they do not attain a superior education. Children require an education that develops their minds analytically, creatively, and morally. Recently we have noticed an unfortunate decline in the readiness of our youth to enter the workforce or higher education, as compared with other similar countries. To combat this, our parents and politicians have been desperately searching, for something, for anything, for the key to our educational system. It is my goal, through this paper, to make you aware of the issues, and a potential solution. This solution is the idea of school choice, or school vouchers. The main players in the solution are parents and private schools because the public school system has fallen short. Our public school system is decaying, despite the supposed best efforts of our fed eral, state, and local governments. While public schools have become a center for violence, drug use, and apathy, private schools have become the model of superior education, an education that is academically, creatively, and morally sound. Many of our private schools are religious, allowing teachers and administrators to complement and strengthen lessons taught in the home, instead of counteracting them. This is not meant to imply that only private religious schools have value, but to point out that parents and schools need to work together in the best interest of the students. The main problem with private schools is that they are out of reach to so many of today’s families. The fact that so many children are denied the opportunity to attend the school of their choice simply because they cannot afford it, is one of the predominant shortfalls of our society. Of course this is not a new issue, and it is currently at the center of a large debate. "It is impossible to... Free Essays on School Vouchers School Vouchers â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.† John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Throughout the thousands of political speeches given during our country’s history, there might not be a better anthem for political participation on an individual level. After letting JFK’s famous phrase sink in it is obvious that he wanted the American people to take charge of their political and social futures. Kennedy realized the importance of pro-activity on a personal or community basis, and the results that would come to the citizens of this country who partook in their own evolvement. This ability that all Americans possess is not always utilized. Many people would rather sit back and complain about the condition of their environment, their communities, and their lives. Citizens of this country constantly denigrate our elected officials, but do they get out and vote on Election Day? Are they active in their communities? What are they doing to h elp themselves and what changes could these potential efforts produce? The answers to these questions seem to lie along the same lines for most Americans- nothing. Not even 50% of Americans vote in the presidential election. This signifies a severe lack of patriotism and civic duty on the part of the American people. Most people argue that they cannot make a significant difference by simply voting and becoming active in their respective communities. They believe that nothing important or consequential happens at the local and state levels of government. But what these people do not understand is that the majority of the decisions that will most closely affect their lives are made at these intermediary levels. Does the President of the United States have the fortitude or the even the time to be concerned with a community such as Adrian, Michigan? Obviously, the answer is no. Its local politicians and state representatives handle this community and its acc... Free Essays on School Vouchers Argumentation Paper America’s public school systems are facing a series of major problems. The classrooms are crowded, violence is growing, and test scores are falling. Some people believe the ways the schools are funded are the reasons behind these problems. There have been several ideas brought to the courts to try to solve the funding problems. Open enrollment, more federal involvement, and local tax increases are a few of these suggestions. However, the most controversial issue is that of vouchers. Vouchers are certificates that the government gives to parents so that their child may go to the school of the parent’s choice (public or private). This type of school funding is also known as parental choice. This idea of parental choice in education is not a new concept. The first person that developed the idea that parents should be allowed to choose their children’s education came from Adam Smith in 1776. He explained this theory in his book The Wealth of Nations. However, the controversies surrounding parental choice are fairly new. The most discussed and argued issue surrounding vouchers is the inclusion of parochial schools. Many people who believe strongly in the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which establishes the separation of Page 2 church and state. This clause allows for the question of the constitutionality in the voucher program. This Constitutionality has been tried in a number of courts both at the state and Supreme Court levels. In the 1970’s a series of Supreme Court rulings prohibited the use of government assistance to fund religious schools. The landmark of Lemon V. Kurtzmand in 1971 set the criteria that courts use when determining whether state action violates the First Amendment when dealing with schools and religion. In 1981 Maine amended its voucher program that was already set into place. The federal district court excluded sectarian schools from the vou...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Economics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economics - Coursework Example The objective of the essay is to identify the challenges that have punctuated the energy market, the nature of business competition and possible approaches to handling these problems. To achieve this, the essay will point the constraints that exist in the market and use a theoretical approach to examine possible causes for these challenges. This way, it will be possible to make recommendation on how market regulation and demand side management can be used to solve these problems. The UK energy sector has shown a dynamic trend in the last few years with changes in energy prices and consumer expenditure. The Office for National Statistics noted that there was consistent increase in prices of both electricity and gas within the country. Between the year 2011 and 2013, the percentage price changes of both electricity and gas exceeded 10% in the UK. This is contrary to the expectation of the consumer at a time when the government strategic goals were directed towards reduction in the cost energy (Foxon et al., 2000). The poorest households in the UK have been adversely affected by the rise in cost of energy in the UK. Statistics show that the rich household energy costs increased by 1% while the poor households experienced an increase of 3% in cost energy between 2002 and 2012. These changes have been criticized as oppressive and there appears need for change in policies to prevent further increase in the cost of Energy as part of the government’s manifest o to support equity and reduce poverty level. The UK Energy Market Firm market concentration statistics provides a possible explanation for the changes in energy demand and prices within the country. A Herfindal-Hirschman analysis shows that the index remained fairly constant between 2005 and 2008 but increased considerably between the year 2010 and 2013. An increase in the index shows that there is considerable

Friday, November 1, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Project Management - Essay Example Microsoft Project is one of the most widely used tools for Project Management as well as for Work breakdown structure. However, there are other alternate software available as well that could facilitate the project managers in managing the project. This report discusses about the use of alternate Project Management software, Project Libre. Project Libre has been one of the most downloaded project management tools in different countries. The software is used in a number of geographic locations as presented in the image below: (Project Libre a, 2013) With 99,770 downloads of the software, this software was one of the most used project management software (Project Libre a, 2013). Therefore this software has been selected in order to compare against Microsoft Project. Project Libre is alternate software to Microsoft Project. Project Libre can also breakdown the project into smaller tasks just like Microsoft Project. Project Libre has also been awarded "Best of Open Source" or BOSSIE awar d by InfoWorld (Project Libre b, 2013). Thus, this confirms the quality of the software and how helpful the software has been around the world particularly for project managers. This report uses the software Project Libre and then a comparison has been presented using the two tools, Microsoft Project and Project Libre. Evaluation of the techniques used have also been presented in this report for the project Enterprise Rent-A-Car. MICROSOFT PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS USED In order to accomplish the project of ‘Enterprise Rent-A-Car’, the project management team has divided the overall project into following smaller tasks. By dividing the smaller tasks, the project management team can better manage the project and make sure that each of the tasks is handled well. By doing so, it will allow the project management team to make sure that the project is completed within the time. The following table shows the activities that are to be completed for this project of Enterprise Re nt-A-Car along with their duration and their predecessors: No. Task Days Predecessor 1 TM Team Development 1 week 2 E-learning Software Purchase 2 weeks 3 E-learning Courses Design 2 weeks 2 4 Hacks Portal 4 weeks 5 Portal Content Set Up 2 weeks 4 6 Trainer Contract 4 weeks 7 TL Training 16 weeks 6 8 Current Training Evaluation 8 weeks 9 Retraining (Current Staff) 16 weeks 7;8 10 PBL Evaluation 8 weeks 9 11 Training (New Trainees) 26 weeks 7 The above tasks are used on two different software; Microsoft Project and Project Libre. The techniques for both the software are evaluated and discussed. Gantt Chart Using Project Libre and Microsoft Project Gantt chart is used to present the tasks of the project along with the starting date and the ending date of that particular task (Cleland, and Gareis, 2006). Modern Gantt chart has started to include the predecessor as well that shows the dependency of that particular task. This allows the project manager to identify the starting as well as the ending date of each task and thus the project can be analyzed. Both the software Microsoft Project as well as Project Libre allow the users to create the Gantt Chart. Project Libre has a similar style and user experience than Microsoft Project. Both the software when starts show a tabular form along with the space for Gantt Chart. As activities or tasks are added in the tabular form, the Gantt chart starts to fill up. As all the information about the activities are added, the Gantt chart